I ran across a Pfaff at a yard sale the other day, in a nice cabinet. I didn't see a price, but I knew I didn't have room for yet another cabinet in my tiny sewing room (there are three in here already). So, I passed on the Pfaff. I remember commenting to my daughter-in-law that the Pfaff is one machine I had never dealt with at all. She just laughed, because she knows I have more than a couple of different brands of sewing machine.
So, later in the day as we are driving home from the grandkids' basketball games, she mentions that she had bought something for me at another garage sale that she went to by herself. Turns out it is a Pfaff! It's portable, came with all attachments and carrying case. Checking things over, yes, the bobbin case and bobbin are there. This machine was built in West Germany, probably sometime in the '70s. It probably needs a good cleaning and oiling, but it sews beautifully. I consider it to be quite a bargain at $5.00. This is one I would not have been able to pass up myself.