I belong to the Manteca Quilter's Guild, and, as a relative newbie to quilting, I like to take advantage of all the classes that the guild offers. The first class was called "Batik Blast," and we all made a lap-size quilt. I finished mine in good time, using my embroidery machine to do the quilting. The fabrics I chose didn't go so well with the pattern, and the quilt wasn't one of my favorites. However, it does help keep me warm while I'm sewing, so it wasn't a wasted effort.
The next class was all about tile quilting, with the blocks designed to look like mosaic tiles with grout between the tiles. I made two of those; the second one turned out better because I used freezer paper instead of doing needle turn as the instructor taught us. That one may turn out to be a pillow. It was done in Christmas fabrics, so I have plenty of time to finish it.
I'm also working on another turtle, like the one I designed for Piper to enter into the doll show. It should be appropriate, since it has a quilted shell.
The quilt guild is hosting its 32nd annual quilt and cloth doll show on March 5th and 6th. There will be a display of these bunnies, and mine may well be there too. Remember though, it won't be just bunnies. There will be a wonderful quilt raffled, as well as a doll. I have raffle tickets to sell if anyone is interested.
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