My car broke down the other day, just refuses to start. We had to have it towed home. DH has tried to fix it, but can't seem to find the problem. So now he intends to take it to the dealership to have it worked on. The car is old, and was wrecked last year, although the damage was fixed. DH has been talking about getting another car, but we have no idea where the $$ would come from.
The other day, I was casually opening the mail, when I got a big surprise: an unexpected check made out to me. $$ that is not earmarked in the budget! :D So now, we'll be able to fix the car. And get a used second car so I won't be without transportation on days when DH can't ride his bike to work. AND get that long arm quilting machine I've been wanting. :D

There will be a learning curve, no doubt. I've done some FMQ on my vintage Singers and managed to get passable but by no means professional results. One of the problems with vintage Singers is the limited amount of space between the needle and back of the sewing area. This new machine will give me twice as much room to work in and it comes complete with a Grace quilting frame, metal rods (as opposed to wooden ones, which have a larger diameter), laser stylus and quilting patterns, complete instructions, and a
Stitch Regulator!
I can't wait to get my hands on this puppy. Unfortunately, I'll be out of town next week, so I won't be able to play with it until I get back. That's okay, though, because I'll be playing with three of the grandkids all week. :D:D:D
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