Thursday, December 02, 2010

Wow, Has it Been That Long?

I just found my blog again...It has been way too long. So many things have happened in the interim. Since my last post, I have gotten married, welcomed another grandbaby, moved to California, became unemployed, and began indulging in something I've been putting off for many years.

Years ago, I made quilts for myself and my boys. They were very simply done, just randomly selected 4 inch squares sewn together. Yarn ties were used instead of hand or machine quilting. The fabrics used were a mixture, leftover from clothes I'd made, and probably some polyester or polyester blends were included. Amazingly enough, those quilts are still being used and in good shape after 25 years, even though I broke the rules somewhat. Since then, I've been saving fabric here and there, for the time when I'd have time enough to make more quilts, perhaps with a bit more style.

Being unemployed has given me the time needed to learn more about quilts and quilting, and gain some experience to make them more attractive. I'll never win a prize at a quilt show, but they will keep us warm, and that's all that really counts anyhow.


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