Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hurry Up and Wait

She's excited to see it, but not before it's finished. I'm talking about the t-shirt quilt for DDIL.  DGD's birthday is in June, so maybe I'll get it finished by then so I can take it with me for the visit. I hate not being close enough to visit anytime, and airline travel is expensive and bothersome. I guess it's worth it though, if I get to see the grands.

Anyhow, yesterday we went to Tracy and bought a quilt frame. It came with lights at each end.  It's still sitting in the box on the floor in the den. We'll have to rearrange the furniture to make room for it. (Know anyone who wants to buy a 55 gallon aquarium with a beautiful mahogany base and hood?) The quilt frame is intended to be used for hand quilting, but DH says he can create an attachment to enable using a sewing machine with the frame. This would be cool.

I've been practicing my free-motion quilting on scraps from the quilt, using my trusty Singer 201-2 in it's cabinet. It's obvious I still need a lot of practice. Coordinating the movement of the fabric with the speed of the machine is the hardest part.  Well, except maybe making smooth curves instead of jerky lines. Now I'm trying to decide if I should just use a diagonal grid or attempt a more elaborate design, and if I should mark the lines or just wing it. I'm also trying to decide if I should wait to see if DH will get his quilter invention done in a timely manner. Meantime, Gracie and Bobbie vie for dibs on the quilt as a bed.

Because the t-shirts used to make this quilt are all from concerts attended my DDIL, I digitized a music notes design for my embroidery machine, with the intent of using it to quilt the border.  It turned out fairly well.

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